SUPER SEVEN SECRET SOCIETY is opening the door to new initiates! Once
every year, the stars align and the passageway to the SSSS is revealed
for a brief moment in cosmic time. Those who pay the admission fee of
$125 and are not faint of heart are invited to venture into the depths
of the unknown…
August 22-29 - The passage is re-opened to existing members
August 30 - September 6 - The passage is opened to new members
September 7 - The passage closes, fleeing members are crushed…
Those who make the journey will receive:
- Three SSSS Membership Toys
- One SSSS Membership T-Shirt
- Welcome Kit
- Access to SSSS Exclusive Toy Editions
- Early access to all Toy Editions and Event Exclusives
- Sneak Peeks of Upcoming Products and Events
- Coded Messages
- SSSS Exclusive Forum Access
- Additional SSSSecrets…
Those who do not make the journey will receive nothing. The passage is closing, hesitate not lest ye be lost….